How can I order
M-Fashion items? |
Download and complete an order form and send it to our headquarters in Germany by fax or email. If you have any questions about the ordering process or individual products, you are most welcome to call us or send us an email. |
Does M-Fashion have a
minimum order volume? |
Our minimum order volume is 200 pieces per order. |
When will my order
be delivered? |
We deliver all orders from our Spring/Summer collection between the end of February and the end of March. Orders from our Autumn/Winter collection will be delivered between the end of July and the end of September. |
What are your
delivery charges? |
Delivery from Romania to German shipping agents is free of charge. You are then free to choose which German shipping agent you wish to use. If you require assistance we are happy to provide you with recommendations. You are liable for the full cost and organisation of shipping your goods to their final destination. |
Do you have a
returns policy? |
Should you have a reason for complaint, please contact us. We will endeavour to find a mutually beneficial solution. |